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3 Dreams short-videos online!

DREAMS film premiere! The Dreams project has produced 3 videos that are now online.  Would you like to know more about digitalization of environmental assessment, and what characterizes the DREAMS project? The first short video outlines digitalization potentials, frontrunners within environmental assessment, challenges, and the importance of an ecosystem for the digitalization. Are you curious […]

How to build business models for digitalization of environmental assessment

How to build business models for digitalization of environmental assessment NEWS: On August 23rd, representatives from the DREAMS project took part in the second digitalization network meeting with other participating frontrunners from across the globe. The topic up for discussion at the meeting was business cases for the digitalization of environmental assessment practice. The meeting […]

DREAMS workshop in Vejle, Denmark.

DREAMS workshop in Vejle, Denmark. More than 8 months into the project, we finally had the chance to have a physical workshop, which was held on June 21-22, 2021, in beautiful surroundings in Vejle at Haraldskær, Sinatur Hotel and Conference center. This was a very successful workshop with very qualified partner discussions that advanced the […]

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